Proof Never Trust

Our Mission: To anonymously present reason, evidence, and testimony on issues of most importance to life on Earth, especially those issues most urgent and popularly misunderstood.
CURRENT ALERTS (if any):22 April, 2023: We are slowly transitioning to LifeFacts.is (under construction). That will be the new site; this one is planned to be abandoned.

Most Urgent Threat List:
In Our Opinion

Last Update: 25 March, 2023

Here are the most urgent threats to deal with if we want to save life on this planet

  1. Refuse Government Suspension of Human Rights No Matter their Reason

    The COVID-19 crisis should have proved to you that you need to get involved in politics, because Government has proven that it can and will suddenly suspend even your most basic human rights for as long as it wants on excuses of its own choosing without voter consent. In other words, whatever else you're working on in your life can easily be taken away from you by Government and until you fix it nothing and no one is safe. In particular, never consent to the suspension of human rights no matter the fear: they are very easy to give up but very difficult to win back.

  2. Stop Deciding Truth based on Trust of Experts

    The advice of experts who take no real responsibility for it is worthless and certainly should not be used to suspend human rights. Start trusting your friends and family more than appointed strangers on television, and make decisions based on evidence you understand not trust of anyone else except God.

  3. End Elective Abortion

    Our society is extremely immoral and foolish to support this; it's epic atrocity on its own and this bloodshed forms a major spiritual curse on our society.

  4. Stop Geoengineering

    The weather is not ours to tamper with, especially not with chemicals which eventually end up in lungs, soils, and waterways.

  5. Stop Genetic and Virus Engineering

    We shouldn't tamper with the fabric of life, especially when we can't put the changes back in the bottle.

  6. Stop Making Nuclear Weapons Hoping No One WIll Use Them

    To keep making these on the pretense that they won't be used is counter-sense.

  7. Stop letting people die of hunger.

    A tiny fraction of world military spending would end hunger everywhere. It's a question of priorities. Instead of weapons you hope to never use better to buy food to save life needing it now.

  8. Stop Information Censorship

    Society needs access to all available ideas in order to have the widest base to choose the best ideas from. Listening to one voice is similar to dictatorship, especially when that one voice is Government or their appointed officials.

  9. Stop the formation of one world government under the WHO pandemic treaty.

    With centralized global control, they can declare a pandemic at their own discretion and dictate to the world.

  10. Stop Forced Organ Harvesting

    It's ridiculous that we partner with countries doing this.

  11. Have Compassion for Animals

    It's their planet also; they should have some right to life and habitat.

  12. Prepare your Afterlife

    It's a lot longer than this life and lack of preparation seems the biggest mistake you can possibly make just based on timeframes alone.

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